Grades 9th – 12th

The Laker Robotics high school program is open to any high school student from any school who wishes to participate. Students in grades 9th – 12th have the opportunity to participate in the following programs:

Current Activities

More than a Robot

Besides building a robot and driving it we need students that are looking for opportunities in marketing and business.


Students are not required to participate in all of the available “seasons”. However, since sponsorships account for most of our budget, students are expected to participate in activities designed to retain and acquire sponsors. This not only makes our finances work but builds a student’s skills in the development and delivery of presentations to adults in a business setting. These sponsor development activity typically occurs during the summer.

Yearly Activity Cycle

Photo by Roberto Nickson on

June to mid-August

During the summer our students have the opportunity to work on special projects and participate in service projects in the community.

September – November

Oakland County Competitive Robotics Association offers a competitive league in the fall. This is very much the student’s robot.

January – April

Students in grades 9-12 participate in FIRST ROBOTICS CHALLENGE. For most students, this IS robotics!

Recently Completed Activities

FRC 2023 Season

2023 season posts

FRC 2022 Season

2022 season posts

2016 frc msc

Student Only Built Robot (OCCRA)

Oakland County Competitive Robot Association (OCCRA) Tournaments
Meeting Times and Signup